B.S., Computer Science from the University of Silicon Valley



Academic Achievements

  • magna cum laude
  • President's Honor Roll (3 years)
  • GPA: 3.96

Academic Projects

  • Developed one of the first prototype Digital Twin Metahuman AI Assistant with holographic display visualization using RealFiction's POP3 for Paradax Labs in Spain and The Tech Inveractive museum in San Jose, California.

Academic Research

  • Researched the privacy and ethical concerns of modern technological advancements and provided solutions to enhance security and ethical impact.

Extracurricular Involvement

  • Founder and President of the Anime Club
  • Co-Founder and President of the Google Developer Student Club
  • President of the Associated Student Body
  • Ambassador of the Computer Science Department
  • Student Tutor in Computer Science and Mathematics
  • E-Sports Team Trainee and Reserve Team Member

Extracurricular Achievements

  • Founded the university's first Anime Club
  • Co-Founded the university's first Google Developer Student Club
  • Re-implemented the Associated Student Body
  • Established relations with businesses, specifically RightStufAnime and Warbow League
  • Introduced a wide array of events and activities to the campus, improving student life